Naturals Ice Cream Franchise Cost In India

Unlike other ice cream brands, Naturals Ice Cream stands apart by utilizing natural fruits and ingredients, fresh products, and avoiding any such flavors or preservatives of artificial origin, you know? And that is kinda the main reason why this brand has become like super popular in India lately. Just so you know though, the brand has been in existence for many years, producing over 150 flavors out of which about 20 remain constant while the seasonal ones are based on the availability of fruits.

Naturals Ice Cream

Since the launching of its first ice cream shop, the company has registered phenomenal growth and presently, it runs both company-owned and franchise outlets. All we want to say is that if you really want to capitalize on the love of Indian people for ice cream, then you should definitely give a thought to the franchise opportunity of Naturals Ice Cream brand, and today specifically, we will be talking about what is Naturals Ice Cream Franchise cost in India, what are their requirements, and how profitable it can be for you in the long run. So, let’s just get going.

Investment and Cost Breakdown

If you are thinking about starting a Naturals Ice Cream franchise, here is a basic structure of the expenses that you should plan for:

Total investment: ₹12 to ₹30 lakh.

Just so you know, this amount includes all the expenses involved in setting up the store, buying equipment, and getting everything ready to be used.

  • Store Setup: ₹10 to ₹20 lakh for the decoration of the interior, getting furniture, and the storefront’s beautiful appearance, you know?
  • Machinery & Equipment: Keep aside approximately ₹2 lakh for an ice cream-making assembly, cold and dry storage, and confectionery units.
  • Furnishings & Fixtures: Then, approximately ₹1 lakh for the purchase of the equipment like the seating, lighting, and display counters.
  • Working Capital: Approximately ₹50,000 to help with the company’s daily operations when it begins, you know?
  • Franchise Deposit: Not to mention that about ₹1 lakh as an opening brand deposit will be required.

What About Franchise Fees and Royalties?

One of the best or good things about the Naturals franchise is the fact that they’re not charging any franchise fee, which simply means that no extra cost will be on this account and you will be able to use only the Naturals brand.

Revenue sharing:

  • Franchisee’s Share: 85% of total sales by your outlet will be in your pocket.
  • Franchisor’s Share: Naturals to provide and support you, this is the point that the other 15% goes to Naturals.

This is quite a good profit-sharing scheme that ensures the franchisee does get the most profits, and that is one of the main reasons why they are expanding super fast in India. They really are taking care of not just the customers, but also the franchisee owners.

Profitability and Return on Investment (ROI)

The Naturals Ice Cream franchise, known for its unfailing profitability, is the kind of business opportunity that people should always look out for, you know? If you are doubting how profitable it can get for you in the long run, well, we’d like to tell you that it has a profit margin of about 55% each year, which is really good money for the franchise owners.

The most interesting part is that most franchisees are able to recover their initial investment within 1 to 2 years, depending on factors like the store’s location and how well it’s managed, those are the things to keep in mind. Naturals is a well-loved brand that customers trust and it is absolutely 100% made from high-quality, fresh ingredients; this is the reason it is crowded with customers, thus driving in sales and profits. Overall, the franchise gives a good chance for quick returns by running a trusted and popular ice cream brand, that we can say for sure.

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